Shuddhi Vidhya Responsive Webiste

Redesign the website to improve the learning efficiency


Dec, 2023 -

Apr, 2024


Ready to be launched


Shuddhi Vidhya

Our team

Project Manager | Eki Ero

Visual Designer | Diogo Malheiro

Visual Designer | Suri Wang

Ux Designer | John Koffi

Ux Designer | Eric Khuu

Ux Designer | Angela Yang

Other team

Founder X 1

Developers X 3


Shuddhi Vidhya is a non-profit organization based in India, dedicated to championing children's right to education, particularly those in underprivileged and rural communities. With a mission to enrich the learning journey, the founder of the organization has decided to redesign their learning platform to ensure greater accessibility, interactivity, and effectiveness in delivering educational content to marginalized communities.


The beta version of the Shuddhi Vidhya learning platform currently enables student registration and project submissions. Once students register and log in through the official version, they will be directed to the organization's YouTube channel to start their learning. Both students and instructors are eager for an integrated platform that facilitates learning and teaching.


The wireframes were distributed among three UX designers, each with varying levels of experience. This resulted in some wireframes lacking continuity, necessitating additional time to reorganize and refine them. Continuous communication was essential to grasp the underlying rationale and logic behind their respective designs. Additionally, my role entails active participation in meetings with web developers, where I integrate feedback and refine designs based on their valuable suggestions.

Project Goal

Developing an all-in-one learning platform for students and instructors ensures that students can easily and effortlessly complete their courses, while enabling instructors to maintain teaching quality by addressing any questions and monitoring student progress

My role

As a visual designer, I've taken on the responsibility of UX design for the mobile version, as well as visual design for both desktop and mobile platforms.

Target users

Indian teenager students



An unorganized homepage

  • Lacks clear hierarchy and focus.

  • Content is monotonous and lacks substantial information.

  • Not adequately tailored for a user-friendly experience for teenagers.

Unable to guarantee teaching quality

  • Unable to track students' learning progress.

  • Lack of effective after-class tutoring and Q&A

  • Insufficient communication among students and insturctors.


What's our design philosophy?


Embark on a journey into the vibrant world of youthful imagination with our thoughtfully crafted color palette. Tailored for teenagers, our palette features a dynamic array of five lively shades, transforming the learning process into an engaging and delightful adventure.

Primary color

Color of the background


Brand color


Main color for text


Secondary color

216, 38, 59


235, 100, 66


216, 98, 52


32, 100, 66


52, 100, 62



Infusing our website with vitality, we employ a dual-font approach to achieve a dynamic design. The bold and expressive 'Dosis' font commands attention, making it ideal for impactful headlines, while the timeless elegance of 'Work Sans' ensures readability across descriptions, buttons, and other text blocks. This strategic blend of fonts imbues our site with personality, highlighting the significance of various text elements.


Accent font for large headlines



Work Sans

The main font for descriptions, large texts, buttons and additional elements





Main pages

Homepage: At the heart of our design philosophy lies vibrant color schemes and whimsical cartoon visuals, meticulously crafted to captivate and inspire students within this age group.

About Us: Underpinned by a clear layout and highlighted features, our design aims to enhance user understanding of Shuddhi, providing a more intuitive experience for users to explore.

News: With visuals taking center stage and text serving as a complementary element, our design of the news page aims to guide users through articles seamlessly, providing an engaging and visually immersive reading experience.

Contacts: We strive to keep the contacts section simple, making it easy for users to reach Shuddhi

Enroll class: We prioritize simplicity and user-friendliness, striving to craft an intuitive interface that seamlessly guides users through the enrollment process. Clear prompts and minimal distractions are key elements in achieving this goal.

Log in & Sign up: In order to enhance engagement, the illustrations on the side will dynamically change as users navigate through the page.

Let's put ourselves in the user's shoes!

Site map

By focusing on the students' & instructor’s perspective in the sitemap, it helps us identify potential pain points or areas for improvement in the user experience, leading to a more user-friendly and intuitive website design.

User Persona

I have created two personas based on students and instructors.


How do we ensure smooth learning and teaching experiences for both students & instructors?


Addressing the pain points of both students and instructors, we have provided corresponding solutions:



In-platform message

  • Students can easily communicate with instructors to ask questions or seek clarification.

Peer support

  • Students can engage in discussions with classmates through discussion forums.

StudySmart scheduler

  • Students have the option to set their study schedules, with the system arranging subsequent learning materials accordingly. Throughout the learning process, alarms will notify students of their remaining study time.



Organized course creation

  • Instructors can design courses according to their schedule, including video, reading, assignment, and quiz components.

Student progress tracking

  • Instructors can analyze student learning progress based on course completion rates, quiz and assignment scores and their review. They can also send messages to students who need assistance, offer tutoring, or add new learning materials as necessary.

How to improve our design?

Senior designer:

“Sometimes I find myself scrolling down a lot to reach the next page button. Also, I noticed during testing that I often accidentally tapped the buttons next to it.”





Iterate design 01


Enhance user’s experience

  • I relocated the next button to the forefront and widen the gap between buttons to improve user experience.

A clear layout

  • I decided to move the estimated time below the course title. This not only enhances the hierarchy of the title but also improves the visual balance.
Senior designer:

“I think this "cards" here are missing something, they don't look clickable to me like the rest of the website. It is missing maybe a CTA like in the above the "read more.”


I agree with you! But the repetition of "read more" for each card might causes visual fatigue for users. Do you think adding interactivity would be a better idea?



Iterate design 02


Hover interaction

  • When users hover over the news card, the title of the news will be underlined, prompting users for potential interaction.

Provide auxiliary information

  • Publisher and publication time have been included to provide users with more context.

“The smart study scheduler feature seems to be a bit vague. When I click on it, I'm unsure of how it can substantially help students.”


Maybe we could try incorporating a feature that lets users pause and resume a timer, while also emphasizing the upcoming content that needs to be studied




Iterate design 03


Countdown Timer

  • When users hover over the news card, the title of the news will be underlined, prompting users for potential interaction.

Precise learning schedule

  • A comprehensive list of courses that need to be studied within a designated time frame is provided, giving students a clear learning expectation.
Project manager:

“I still feel that it's a bit inconvenient to click on a chapter and then select the corresponding course. Do we have any other solutions?”



Iterate design 04


Integrate the menu

  • Students can browse all the content of the chapter by using the dropdown button, without needing to navigate to another page for selection. This significantly saves time and improves convenience.

NExt Step

At present, we have completed the design for Phase I. Once the learning platform is officially accessible to students, we will make modifications to the website based on the feedback received. Concurrently, Phase II design work will commence, focusing on the implementation of student incentive mechanisms. The current plan involves students earning points by completing courses and using these points to redeem desired rewards on the platform.


01. Design serving functionality

During the initial phase of hi-fi design, it became apparent that the desktop wireframes lacked the vibrant appeal expected of an educational platform catering to adolescents; instead, they resembled those of a conventional tech company. Recognizing the need to align the design with the youthful demographic, we decided to inject energy into the interface by leveraging illustrations and icons. This strategic approach not only enhanced the visual appeal but also resonated better with the target audience, fostering a more engaging user experience.

02. Simplicity for development

The website design prioritized simplicity and clarity to facilitate development. By ensuring that design elements were straightforward and easily implementable, the development process was streamlined, minimizing complexities and potential obstacles.

03. Effective communication enhances efficiency

Clear communication throughout the project significantly enhanced productivity. By maintaining open channels of communication and ensuring all team members were aligned with project goals and timelines, tasks were completed more efficiently, resulting in significant time and resource savings.

Copyright © 2024 Suri Wang

Copyright © 2024 Suri Wang